Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology

CSEP is located within the House of Sport in Ottawa.  The CSEP team works in a hybrid environment and are available online by email, and encourage you to reach out to us individually, or at

Thank you,


CSEP National Office
c/o House of Sport, 2451 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1H 7X7 


Telephone: 613-234-3755
Toll-Free: 1-877-651-3755


For information on: your membership, benefits, questions about your application, or the status of your registration, please contact See also: Membership FAQs.

General Inquiries

For information on: guidelines, permissions, shipping and sales, and general inquiries, please contact

See also: Store FAQs.

Events and Education

For information on: CSEP-hosted events, online learning, and professional development credits, please contact

Staff Listing

Chief Executive Officer
Member Services
Professional Standards Program
  • Christie Boyd, Director, Professional Standards Program®, ext. 6046
  • Korri-Lynne Grant, Manager, Professional Standards Program®, ext. 6049
  • Tracy Albert, Chief Financial Officer, ext. 6045
  • Melanie Vowles, Bookkeeper, ext. 6044
Logistics, Facilities & IT
Marketing, Communications and Events
Exercise Is Medicine Canada

To request permission to reproduce any CSEP-copyrighted work, please send a letter of request to CSEP Permissions c/o and include the following information:

  • full name and address of the author and publisher
  • title of your publication (book, article, website, other)
  • estimated publication date and cost
  • title of the CSEP work you wish to reproduce and example of how it will appear in your publication

Permission requests are subject to a fee of $50 per item for print rights and $150 per item for electronic rights (plus applicable taxes) payable by cheque or major credit card. Permission to reproduce a work in computer software, upon approval, is subject to a CSEP Licensing Agreement and licensing fees.