Connect with over 6,000 leading researchers and qualified exercise professionals in the CSEP community and be ‘in the know’ by becoming a CSEP Supporter!
The supporter membership is for individuals with an interest in exercise science and personal training, who do not otherwise qualify for or wish to maintain a certified or research-related membership. Being part of the wider CSEP community means you will be among the first to know about CSEP news, research advances and more.
Help bring evidence-based practice for a healthy lifestyle to the forefront by joining the CSEP community.
This membership is held by an individual and is a non-voting membership.
Annual Membership Fee*: $100.00 (+tax)
Membership Benefits
Join CSEP and be part of the knowledgeable community that has been leading science to practice in Canada for more than 50 years!
Join the CSEP Community
*The annual member year for all CSEP members is April 1 to March 31.