
Can strength training one limb preserve an opposite immobilized limb?


July 27, 2018 Justin W. Andrushko 1, Layla A. Gould 1,2, Jonathan P. Farthing 1 1 College of Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada 2 College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada Evidence for the opposite limb (i.e. contralateral) effect of single limb training has existed for well over a century. This inter-limb transfer effect is commonly [...]

Can strength training one limb preserve an opposite immobilized limb?2024-01-18T14:53:43-05:00

A single exercise session may protect the heart of breast cancer patients from chemotherapy


January 15, 2018 A.A. Kirkham a, R.E. Shave b, K.A. Bland a, J.M. Bovard a, N.D. Eves c, K.A. Gelmon a,d, D.C. McKenzie a, S.A. Virani a, E.J. Stöhr b, D.E.R. Warburton a, K.L. Campbell a a University of British Columbia, 2329 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T1Z4, Canada b Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cyncoed Campus, Cyncoed Rd, Cardiff CF236XD, UK c University of British Columbia Okanagan, 1147 Research Road, [...]

A single exercise session may protect the heart of breast cancer patients from chemotherapy2024-01-18T14:56:40-05:00

Why do team-sport athletes drink fluid in excess when exercising in cool conditions?


May 19, 2017 Melissa J. Baragh, Roderick F.G.J. King, Michael P. Gray, Ben Jones. Institute of Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure, G05 Carnegie Hall, Headingley Campus, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, W. Yorkshire, United Kingdom LS6 3QS. Fluid balance is important for optimal physiological functioning, health, and exercise performance.  Typically, during exercise in temperatures [...]

Why do team-sport athletes drink fluid in excess when exercising in cool conditions?2024-01-18T15:19:19-05:00

Loads and Movement Speed Affect Energy Expenditure during Circuit Resistance Exercise


April 22, 2017 Roberson, Kirk1; Jacobs, Kevin A.1; White, Morgan1; Signorile, Joseph F., 2 1Laboratory of Neuromuscular Research & Active Aging-University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 2 University of Miami-Miller School of Medicine, Center on Aging Circuit resistance exercise has become an increasingly popular method for training and generally involves the use of high-intensity intervals [...]

Loads and Movement Speed Affect Energy Expenditure during Circuit Resistance Exercise2024-01-18T15:01:53-05:00

Polymorphisms of the β-adrenergic receptors 1 and 3 are associated with exercise behaviours in healthy young university students


March 7, 2017 Gina M. Many1,5, Zachary Kendrick1, Chelsea L. Deschamps2, Courtney Sprouse1, Laura L. Tosi1, Joseph M. Devaney1, Heather Gordish-Dressman1, Whitney Barfield1, Eric P. Hoffman1, Joseph A. Houmard3, Linda S. Pescatello4, Hans J. Vogel6, Jane Shearer2,6, & Dustin S. Hittel6 1 Genetic Medicine, Children's National Medical Center, Washington DC, USA 2 Faculty of Kinesiology, University of [...]

Polymorphisms of the β-adrenergic receptors 1 and 3 are associated with exercise behaviours in healthy young university students2024-01-18T15:25:36-05:00

Effects of aerobic training, resistance training, or both on cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal fitness in adolescents with obesity: the HEARTY trial


March 7, 2017 Angela S. Alberga, Denis Prud'homme, Ronald J. Sigal, Gary S. Goldfield, Stasia Hadjiyannakis, Penny Phillips, Janine Malcolm, Jinhui Ma, Steve Doucette, Rejeanne Gougeon, George A. Wells, and Glen P. Kenny. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 41: 255–265, 2016 Physical activity levels typically decline from childhood to adolescence. Adolescence is a critical period to [...]

Effects of aerobic training, resistance training, or both on cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal fitness in adolescents with obesity: the HEARTY trial2024-01-18T15:23:31-05:00

Effect of participants’ static stretching knowledge or deception on the responses to prolonged stretching


March 7, 2017 W.C. Ian Janes, Brandon B.G. Snow, Caisie E. Watkins, Elecia A.L. Noseworthy, Jonathan C. Reid, David G. Behm INSTITUTION: School of Human Kinetics and Recreation Memorial University of Newfoundland Much of the static stretching (SS) literature reports performance impairments with prolonged SS. However, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP)(Behm et [...]

Effect of participants’ static stretching knowledge or deception on the responses to prolonged stretching2024-01-18T15:19:26-05:00

The effects of compression garments on performance of prolonged manual labour exercise and recovery


March 7, 2017 Rob Duffield, Mark Watsford, Val Chan Sport & Exercise Discipline Group, Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney, Moore Park, NSW, Australia. High physical demands exist in construction and mining industries, as workers are required to lift, carry, transport and manipulate heavy loads. Movements performed are often repetitive or prolonged in [...]

The effects of compression garments on performance of prolonged manual labour exercise and recovery2024-01-18T15:25:22-05:00

Breaking up prolonged sitting with short frequent bouts of walking reduces blood sugar levels and may help weight management by causing short-term energy deficits


September 22, 2016 Daniel P. Bailey1, David R. Broom2, Bryna C.R. Chrismas3, Lee Taylor4, Edward Flynn1, and John Hough1 1 Institute for Sport and Physical Activity Research, Department of Sport Science and Physical Activity, University of Bedfordshire, Polhill Avenue, Bedford, MK41 9EA, UK. 2 Academy of Sport and Physical Activity, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, [...]

Breaking up prolonged sitting with short frequent bouts of walking reduces blood sugar levels and may help weight management by causing short-term energy deficits2024-01-18T15:19:45-05:00

Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth: An integration of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep


July 18, 2016 Introduction Traditionally, research examining the health implications of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep among children and youth has been conducted in movement behaviour silos, even though these behaviours do not occur in isolation of each other and have intuitive and empirical interactions. A body of research indicates that an integrated [...]

Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth: An integration of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep2024-02-09T12:06:21-05:00

Arm-cycling sprints induce neuromuscular fatigue of the elbow flexors and alter corticospinal excitability of the biceps brachii


July 17, 2016 Gregory E. P. Pearcey1,3, David J. Bradbury-Squires2, Michael Monks1, Devin Philpott1, Kevin E. Power1,2, & Duane C. Button1,2 1 School of Human Kinetics and Recreation, St. John’s, NL 2 Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University, St. John’s, NL 3 Centre for Biomedical Research, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC In general, the system [...]

Arm-cycling sprints induce neuromuscular fatigue of the elbow flexors and alter corticospinal excitability of the biceps brachii2024-01-18T15:29:26-05:00

A session of resistance exercise increases vasodilation in intermittent claudication patients


July 15, 2016 Aluísio Lima1, Raphael Ritti-Dias1, Cláudia L.M. Forjaz2, Marilia Correia1, Alessandra Miranda1, Maria Brasileiro-Santos3, Amilton Santos3, Dario Sobral Filho4, & Alexandre Silva3 1 School of Physical Education, University of Pernambuco, Rua Arnóbio Marques, 310, Recife, Pernambuco 50.100-130, Brazil. 2 Exercise Hemodynamic Laboratory, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, [...]

A session of resistance exercise increases vasodilation in intermittent claudication patients2024-01-18T14:50:15-05:00

Effects of Blueberry Supplementation on Measures of Functional Mobility in Older Adults


July 16, 2016 Matthew A. Schrager1, James Hilton1, Richard Gould1, & Valerie E. Kelly2 1 Department of Integrative Health Science, Stetson University, DeLand, FL, USA. 2 Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. As the population of over-65 year-olds increases worldwide, a growing public health issue of age-related declines in functional [...]

Effects of Blueberry Supplementation on Measures of Functional Mobility in Older Adults2024-01-18T14:48:55-05:00

Direct and Indirect Measurement of Neuromuscular Fatigue in Canadian Football Players


July 14, 2016 Nick Clarke1,2, Jonathan P. Farthing1, Joel L. Lanovaz1 & Joel R. Krentz1 1 College of Kinesiology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. 2 Canadian Sport Institute Pacific, Victoria, BC, Canada. The importance of monitoring and maintaining the balance between training stimulus and recovery in all athletes is vital to optimize positive adaptation. However, the combative [...]

Direct and Indirect Measurement of Neuromuscular Fatigue in Canadian Football Players2024-01-18T15:01:09-05:00

Chewing gum increases energy expenditure before and after controlled breakfasts


July 13, 2016 Daniel L. Kresge & Kathleen Melanson Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881, USA. Gum chewing has been promoted as beneficial for oral health, cognitive performance, alertness, and stress relief. Increasingly, it is also advocated for weight management because gum chewing may reduce hunger and [...]

Chewing gum increases energy expenditure before and after controlled breakfasts2024-01-18T15:28:09-05:00

Math or gym class, which is more important to school administrators?


July 12, 2016 Jasmin K. Ma1, Lucy Le Mare2, & Brendon J. Gurd1 1 School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada. 2 Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada. The decline in time devoted to recess and physical education in schools hints at where [...]

Math or gym class, which is more important to school administrators?2024-01-18T14:57:15-05:00

Bilateral Limb Deficit Phenomenon in Adult Female Swimmers


July 8, 2016 Usha Kuruganti, Victoria Chester, Danielle Losier and Monica MacDonald Andrew and Marjorie McCain Human Performance Laboratory, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton NB, E3B 5A3. The bilateral limb deficit (BLD) is defined as the reduction in force production during bilateral compared to summed unilateral contractions of the same muscle [...]

Bilateral Limb Deficit Phenomenon in Adult Female Swimmers2024-01-18T15:18:29-05:00

Carbohydrate mouth-rinsing, rather than ingestion, can attenuate fatigue following cycling exercise


July 11, 2016 Robert Jeffers1, Robert Shave2, Emma Ross3, Emma Stevenson4 & Stuart Goodall4 1 School of Sport & Education, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK. 2 Cardiff School of Sport, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, UK. 3 Physiology, English Institute of Sport, UK. 4 Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK. It is [...]

Carbohydrate mouth-rinsing, rather than ingestion, can attenuate fatigue following cycling exercise2024-01-18T15:27:24-05:00

Velocity dependence of eccentric strength in young and old men: the need for speed!


July 10, 2016 Geoffrey A. Power1, Demetri P. Makrakos2, Daniel E. Stevens2, Charles L. Rice3, and Anthony A. Vandervoort2 1 Faculty of Kinesiology, Human Performance Laboratory, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada. 2 Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging, School of Kinesiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Western Ontario, London, [...]

Velocity dependence of eccentric strength in young and old men: the need for speed!2024-01-18T15:27:31-05:00

Taking a Stand: balancing the BENEFITS and RISKS of physical activity in children


July 9, 2016 Patricia E. Longmuir1, Rachel C. Colley1, Valerie A. Wherley2, & Mark S. Tremblay1 1 Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute and University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine, Ottawa ON, Canada. 2 Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Science, Sacred Heart University, Farfield CT, USA. Current guidelines recommend children be physically active [...]

Taking a Stand: balancing the BENEFITS and RISKS of physical activity in children2024-01-18T15:22:11-05:00




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